Gurujon Ashor Khulna-2

Gurujon Ashor, Khulna

On April 28, 2017 'Gurujon Ashor' was held at the CSS Ava Centre, Khulna followed by an effective discussion session and cultural program primarily focusing on the ordeals of the respective senior citizens of our country.

 Initiated and organized under CSERF, the chief guest at the event was Professor Dr. Mohammad Fayez Uzzaman, honorable Vice-Chancellor of Khulna University. Additionally, at the event was present, the former president of Khulna Rotary Club North Dr. Mohammad Mostofa Kamal, Dr. Mohammad Mujibur Rahman Ibrahim from Islami bank hospital. As the guest of honour, it was pleasurable to have Md. Jahan Ali, president of West Rupsha Merchandising committee.

 The entire program has been directed by our CSERF coordinated Md. Tariqul Islam.

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